Peak City Pain Train

A Blue Ridge Relay Story, by Zero Drop The conversation about forming a competitive, all-in BRR team started not too long after Steaks and YHC were invigorated by the Hill Climb Challenge. Rough ideas of a Peak City branded team and an as-fast-as-possible team were sketched out and started to become reality with commitments by Mr. Safety, Revere, and Mohawk. Captain Steaks then targeted Saban for the final spot, which played out like a European football transfer. [Read More]

Ragnar Appalachia 2023

If you ever completed your last leg at BRR (or SMR) and thought, man, that felt great, I wish we could stay here one more day and run all of that distance all at once tomorrow, then this race is for you. If you ever thought, wait, instead of paved mountain roads, let’s run on wooded trails instead, then this race is for you. And if you ever thought, you know what would make this trail even better? [Read More]